ATEX Notified Bodies and IECEx Certification Bodies are involved in the testing, certification, and verification of equipment, protective systems, and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. While they carry out a wide range of activities, there are certain tasks they cannot perform due to conflict of interest and impartiality requirements:
Manufacturing, Supplying, or Using Products: Notified Bodies or Certification Bodies should not be involved in the manufacturing, supplying, installing, maintaining, or distribution of products they certify. This is to avoid conflicts of interest.
Consulting Services: To maintain impartiality, these bodies should not offer consulting services to the manufacturers whose products they are certifying. This includes designing, manufacturing, supplying, installing, maintaining, or distributing the products.
Ownership: They should not have any ownership interest in the businesses they certify. Likewise, those businesses should not have any ownership interest in the Notified or Certification Body.
Internal Audits for Certified Companies: They should not conduct internal audits for the organizations they certify. This is because their role is to independently assess the conformity of the products or processes of these organizations.

In essence, the role of ATEX Notified Bodies and IECEx Certification Bodies is to provide independent, impartial verification and certification services to ensure that products and systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres meet relevant safety standards and regulations. They cannot be involved in activities that would compromise this impartiality.
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