It shall start with understanding of scope related to hazardous area compliance… + local requirements (national deviation)!

Transfer of information from client:

– Existing HAC layouts, equipment data sheets, product certifications – HSE policy
– Work Permit Procedures
– Definition of applied HAC regulations


– Kick off meeting to clarify Ex Compliance study objectives, identify study focus areas and determine execution methodology
– Submission of initial report highlighting management plan, control procedure & area classification philosophy/design basis for COMPANY review & approval.

– Preparation of overall ATEX/IECEx/… certification management plan, control procedures, execution strategies from concept to commissioning, evidence file
– Data collection from site (HAC layouts, equipment lists, products certificates, maintenance records) – Report including preparation of design basis for area classification studies and identify list of deliverables.
– Ensure operability, quality and effective cost to the COMPANY satisfaction and completion of Ex Compliance objectives within agreed project execution schedules
– Ensure that COMPANY HSE Policy objectives are adhered
– Recommendations as required as per scope of work for increased plant safety
– Ensure that all Vendor supplied equipment and packages are fully compliant with Ex compliance requirements
– Gap analysis and risk analysis and mitigation
– 30% engineering design review
– Training to project personnel for installation and commissioning with regard to IEC Ex compliance or similar….
– HAZOP workshop
– EHAZOP workshop
– HAZID workshop
– Design Basis, Specification and Data Sheets are to be issued for design after COMPANY approval
– Procurement documentation to be reviewed prior to order of equipment.
– 60% engineering design review
– EHAZOP workshop
– HAZID workshop
– 90% engineering design review
– EHAZOP workshop
– Optional: FAT (factory acceptance test)
– Review and inspect the installation (Pre-Commissioning & Commissioning)
– Site Ex Policy for handling, installation, verification and inspections of hazardous area located electrical and non-electrical equipment
– Verification Dossier (software based: EPDS)
– Site based training to operational personal (including hands on practical)
– Site Survey/As – built documentation


– Competent Plant Owner Team
– Optional: Awareness & Ex Professional Training
– Goal: Common Understanding of Ex Engineering
– End Result: Ex Compliant Plant/Project, Increased Plant Safety, Audit Friendly HAC site

An understanding of hazardous area compliance shall be there, and from early scratch a validated vocabulary shall be applied. Practices shall be maintained, like:
– Ex inspector does the first installations together with the team, and all possible questions shall be answered there
– …!

sure many of us made the experience at the end of the day all have come to various level of compliance, there was no common understanding. this we shall avoid as early as possible.

keep up good work!


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