What is an Ex inspection in terms of compliance?

Ex inspection is a must have on site in a possible hazardous environment for all electrical installations.
Fix installations max every 36 months; mobile installations max every 12 months and where it often comes to E.g battery exchange within max 6 months an Ex inspection shall happen.
Before putting into operation an initial (detailed) inspection shall happen.
So all in place. Ex compliance done!
Is it?
Ex inspection is just one footstep on the way to achieve full compliance for hazardous area industries.
Further steps to cover: Ex personnel competency, explosion protection documentation, verification dossier, inspections, proof of Ex compliance after all: operational, maintenance, repair, replacement, … all shall be listed and tracked. Follow up with highest priority.
Ex inspection is just a proof of evidence of full Ex compliance for the minute it has been delivered but no longer.
All above shall be able to deliver the full compliance. This is the best interest but the responsibility of the OWNER of site. FULL STOP.

It shows a clear request for digitalized data processing and ability to track all actions on site on- and offline.
Note: inspections for non electrical installations shall be covered by manufacturer’s manual. Procedure shall be the same as per above.
EPDS does it all!
EPDS – explosion protection documentation system – http://epds.hu/
EPDS+ – electronic portable documentation system – http://epdsplus.hu/
Various functional modules included:
– ex inspection
– legal frameworks: fire-, work- and environmental protection
– lifetime tracking
– site work
– verification dossier
– asset’s identification (RFID, QR, barcode, …)
– SAP, … connectivity (interface)
– ex personnel competency
Altogether: full compliance to hazardous area and general industries

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