#ExAM notes 018 – ECASEx does it all (UAE)

3. The entity or the person using the product shall be responsible for the following:
a. All parts of the product shall be assembled and operate duly.
b. Maintenance operations for the product shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer or any determined requirements and conditions including the two standard specifications (UAE.S IEC 60079-14) and (UAE.S IEC 60079 17).
c. To keep the documents that confirm that the product obtained the conformity certificate (ECASEx) from the authority.
How to make it happen? One shall be Ex competent as per required above.

Keep up good work!
Citation from IEC 60079-14:2013 4.5:
“Competency can be demonstrated in accordance with a training and assessment framework relevant to national regulations or standards or user requirements.”
ExAM makes it happen – new trend in the world of Ex personnel competency methodologies.
More information: exam@exnb.eu

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