Methan is explosive – source does not matter

There is a study about global warming and all possible emmission sources.

With the help of science, it would be possible to reduce the amount of methane gas in the cows’ rumen.

Many people know that methane emissions from cattle are also a strong factor in global warming.

Ruminants are a major producer of this greenhouse gas, responsible for 37% of human methane emissions.

A single cow emits an average of 70-120 kilograms of methane per year and nowadays around 1.5 billion cattle are bred worldwide – read’s scientific news portal.

The genetics of cattle have a strong effect on the composition of microorganisms in the rumen of the ruminant animal, according to an international group of scientists in Science Advances.

“We have shown that the type and level of methane-producing microbes in cattle is largely governed by the genetic composition of the animal. Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, one of the leaders of the study.

“We already knew that changing the diet could reduce methane emissions. But changing genetics is much more important, so we can breed cows that emit less and less methane,” said Williams.  He added that the cultivation of low methane cows also depends on other aspects, taking into account changes in milk quality and resistance to disease.

So diet is a possible primary(!) solution in terms of explosion protection. Changing genetics even more interesting way…

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