Upon completion of services – what really shall we do for initial hazardous area classification?

Upon completion of services stage 1, the Subcontractor shall submit the report to the Contractor including:

– analysis of legislation and regulatory documentation;

– detailed description of presence of atmospheric explosives and a zone map;

Upon completion of services stage 2, the Subcontractor shall submit the report to the Contractor including:

– the list of ignition sources and classification of equipment to be used in the corresponding explosion-hazardous areas.

Upon completion of services stage 3, the Subcontractor shall submit the report “EX-explosive media. Assessment of risks and explosion protection” to the Contractor including:

– Agreed information from reports of the first two stages, the list of corrective measures and analysis of consequences of possible explosions.

– Calculation models and files for calculation of zones (if available);

– Calculation models and files for calculation of ignition sources (if available);

– Calculation models and files for calculation of risks (if available).

Note: Calculation models and input data files (with description) in editable files used for calculations using the corresponding software shall be attached to stage 3 report as a part of deliverables.

Above specification we have received from our client for initial hazardous area classification.

What is your opinion about?

All stages still part of initial hazardous area classification, or already more?

I say: more. For initial hazardous area classification the knowledge of possible ignition sources not required. Here it already goes into design stage.

Still we accepted the terminology, and acted accordingly.

Keep up good work!


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