There is a new standard – IEC 63365 – on the market. It talks about digital ID.
The primary purpose of a nameplate is to clearly identify the device and its manufacturer. Legal marks or approval symbols indicate conformity with the regulations for placing the device on the market and for safe use.
The project “Digital Nameplate” was started in response to the needs of manufacturers of explosion-protected equipment and operators of electrical plants in explosion hazardous areas.
One objective is to ensure that all of the necessary information can be marked on the equipment, particularly considering the extent of the information required in the field of explosion protection.
What needs to be marked as a mandatory requirement: – name of manufacturer (address – nowadays: webpage) – type – Ex certificate – Ex protection – CE marking (if within EU) – T ambient and similar. Sometimes too much and there too many variables. In terms of documentation of an Ex asset it is mandatory to share: – Ex certificate – DoC – Manual – List of accessories – drawings – nameplate.
ATEX Directive (2014/34/EC) Annex II says:
“M a r k i n g
All equipment and protective systems must be marked legibly and indelibly with the following minimum
— name, registered trade name or registered trade mark, and address of the manufacturer,
— CE marking (see Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 765/2008),
— designation of series or type,
— batch or serial number, if any,
— year of construction,
— the specific marking of explosion protection followed by the symbol of the equipment-group and category,
— for equipment-group II, the letter ‘G’ (concerning explosive atmospheres caused by gases, vapours or mists), and/or
— the letter ‘D’ (concerning explosive atmospheres caused by dust).
Furthermore, where necessary, they must also be marked with all information essential to their safe use.”
IEC 60079-14 and -17 talks about lifetime tracking of Ex assets, where the unique ID is a possible approach to identify Ex assets longterm.
The digital nameplate information is contained in the electronically readable medium affixed to the product, the packaging or accompanying documents. The digital nameplate information is available offline without Internet connection. After electronic reading, all digital nameplate information is displayed in a human readable text format.

Unique ID can a QR code, an RFID, …
Use of a digital ID in potentially explosive atmosphere
QR code there is no no electronic. Regarding RFID IEC 60079-14 shall be observed when using transponders in explosion hazardous areas. This standard describes the operating conditions for transponders. Passive transponders shall be considered as simple electrical apparatus in accordance with IEC 60079-14 and may be used under normal environmental conditions without certification in explosion hazardous areas. Electrostatic charge of the transponder shall be prevented by appropriate design measures in accordance with IEC 60079-14. ATEX / IECEx certified versions of RFIDs are available on the market.
Note: for reading user shall apply Ex certified readers such as Ex tabler, phone and similar.
QR code may contain max 4000 charachters. RFID much less – around 150 + hashtag. Both the QR code and the RFID (hashtag) are unique, so it can be used for lifetimetracking, which is good (can be part of lifetime tracking). The readibility of a QR code is limited specially in industry environments (see Ex industries). Here the RFID is a much safer (more functional) solution.
The Ex site and the way forward (solution)
- The product itself shall have a nameplate (see ATEX and similar).
- The nameplate (the product) shall have a digital ID.
- The digital ID (whether QR code, or RFID) shall be unique.
- There is a need for readers suitable in possible hazardous environments (there are Ex certified solutions available for the market).
- As an umbrella there is a need for softwares (software1, software 2, …) to manage the tasks and deliver lifetimetracking and to make it complete for the goal of it.
- All Ex compliance activities (inspections, maintenance, repair, but settings, …) shall utilize this unique ID.
What about existing Ex installations on site?
- The product itself shall have a nameplate (see ATEX and similar).
- The nameplate (the product) does not have a digital ID. So it has to be added for the reason of lifetime tracking (during next inspection period or maintenance, …). Available options: QR code, RFID. Here the KPIs.: (1) readability (2) accessibility (3) traceability (4) authority. Considering all: the RFID is the smarter option.
- The digital ID (whether QR code, or RFID) shall be unique.
- There is a need for readers suitable in possible hazardous environments (there are Ex certified solutions available for the market).
- As an umbrella there is a need for softwares (software1, software 2, …) to manage the tasks and deliver lifetimetracking and to make it complete for the goal of it.
- All Ex compliance activities (inspections, maintenance, repair, but settings, …) shall utilize this unique ID.
As already said before the delegation of repsonsibility is the keyword here. Proven track records shall be available that the product itself on site is available and fully functional, plus Ex.
This Eco system provides additional features of complete data availability for product, site, compliance, maintenance, repair work and much more:
- Document management
- Management of Change (MoC)
Keep up the good work.