possible Ex areas
Hazardous area industries are classified based on the presence of potentially explosive
Hazardous area industries are classified based on the presence of potentially explosive
skid-or-machine? assembly-or-machine? technology-or-machine?
Interesting questions, specially if you are about to run a multi-billion USD value technology, and it turns out to be a machine rather than a technology / installation / assembly.
#exprofessional #exownersengineering #exownersengineer #excompliance #excomplianceengineering #excomplianctodesignstage
Recently published – April 2024 – link: https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/59156 Always very useful to
In some countries, regions and the facility itself there are directives, laws,
selection of Ex cable glands varies in many ways
Normal operation refers to the standard, expected, and safe functioning of machinery,
The preliminary examination for occupational safety – except in the case of hazardous technology – may be conducted by a person with specialized training and professional qualifications in occupational safety, a person authorized by law, or an accredited institution. The examination of hazardous technology must be conducted by a person with a professional license in occupational safety and Explosion protection.
an important topic for all operational teams of possible hazardous industries.
ADR clearly defines:
It means a lorry shall be prepared for the delivery of dangerous goods, and in that case no Ex zone shall (can) be defined.
For all other operations such as loading, unloading, maintainence, repair…
Ex zone shall be defined!
Understanding the Risk – Some workplaces, like oil refineries or chemical plants,
The understanding and continuous support of management is essential, and shall be present and available from the 1st day of Ex issues related to site compliance.
So it shall start with design, and follow up.
Ex compliance shall be verified to the design stage. the design stage of product, site, and operation.
We all speak English. It is the international language for many. Standards
The verification dossier according to IEC 60079-14 and the Explosion Protection Documentation
By cultivating discipline and competency, individuals and organizations can create a culture of safety, minimize accidents and injuries, and ensure a secure working environment in hazardous settings.
EPD is about “It is a document that demonstrates the implementation of safety measures and procedures to protect workers in potentially explosive atmospheres during the operation of a facility. The EPD is based on the design of the facility and its equipment, but its primary focus is on ensuring the safe operation and maintenance of the facility.”
Digital ID is a new initiative. Marking shall be available with asset. So let us utilize it for Ex compliance. The possible Eco System available on site is a way forward.
what is more important in terms of hazardous area compliance than a good Ex design?!
what makes a good Ex design? why is it important? how to keep it up? who can do it?
Who is he / she? First a designer shall be a designer
All has its sources of origin and informations. Product Ex certification: ISO
Ex OE stands for Ex owner’s engineering. it is not a public
EN 1127-1 shall be the lead (relevant globally). it defines 13 possible
a cut out from iec 60079 10 1 : 2020 “Once a
Whenever you get delivered with a solution using Ex v, it can only be considered as an installation, assembly, project (other definitions I leave to you), and there shall be a design, installation, commissioning, Ex inspection, etc. all similar to normal project conditions.
I am interested, because: I am a hazardous area site owner, operator,
Where it belongs to? Fire protection… Worksafety… Electrical, mechanical discipline…? Interesting topic
Ex compliance is about prevention and not any real protection against recent
Short summary at the beginning of my blogpost: no more fluroscent light
it says: “This standard provides the specific requirements for the design, selection,
A combustible gas in a distribution line must contain a natural odorant
You must prove you have it. It means you purchased it. There
Definetely Ex with some pre-cautions. Risk assessment and hazardous area classification shall be first in place.
This article was written back in 2017. When I tell people I
Explosive atmospheres – Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure “t”
20 litre fuel cans: old design on the left, 1941 Nirona Wehrmacht
Situation is the following. You are requested to assemble and install: 1)
💥 ATEX REGULATION ALERT💥🇩🇿 The inspection of ATEX equipment has become mandatory⚖️
IEC 60079-14 in chapter of Verification Dossier speaks about the ‘ID’ topic
…on the other side a good example of iec 60079-26: Examples of
Source: LINK Each and every country has it regulated, but might be
So what about light blue – the recommended colour of Ex i?
After the signature of the construction contract, the contractor bears the legal
Sure not. IIC, IIC (H2), IIB + H2 all have existed for
According ATEX 137 employer of hazardous area industries shall define the Ex
Sparks or certain radiations can cause a mixture of hydrogen and chlorine
Silly question! All shall be (if not otherwise). Most important what entity
In order to select the appropriate electrical (and non.electrical) Ex equipment for
The act of introducing equipment where specifications are not identical to an
The combined marking for equipment which include an electrical part and a
QUESTION: Are there any requirements for an IECEx Certification Body, ExCB, to be
Equipment assemblers and manufacturers have made requests to certify equipment with a
What you do when you experience failures / non compliance /… related
Most of EPCs, owners, designers, etc are not aware of it. More
Relations there are many. Ex is a risk reduction factor for HAZOP.
“ia” way of Ex protection enables the installation to be installed as
ISO 80079-36 and -37 stand for non electrical explosion protection and list
It is mandatory. It shall be with the product. It shall be
Terminal boxes and switches in intrinsically safe circuits can be assumed to
Most of Ex d type of glands are minimum dual certified. Certainly
A basic electronic wrist watch is an example of a low voltage,
Ex compliance is about electrical, instrumentation and non.electrical installations. Lifetime tracking of
Possible protection method here the application of earthing clamps, certainly clamps themselves shall be questionned as per possible igniton sources.
Background With changes to the Type of Protection designations in the IEC
EPD or any Ex compliance report has a significant impact for Hazop / FMEA meetings. In process safety related meetings, the Ex equipment compliance should always be questioned.
What is your word for hazardous area compliance – explosion protection with
Explosion protection is about competence in engineering and not about the limitation(s).
Many tried to explode different WC.s. Never succeeded. Maybe lack of ignition
You know what makes the difference between the working place and home:
In a possible hazardous atmosphere only devices, equipments, power and working machines
Do you follow all points listed by manufacturers? All in line with
It is a possible way forward. Manufacturer may apply for it whenever
EOL stands for End of Life. EOL is valid for flourescent light
The main difference between ATEX and IECEx is that ATEX certification only
iec 60079-14 4.2 says VD shall be created. DocumentationIt is necessary to
Fixed gas detection systems have been used for many years to perform
Have you ever received the question: why we need to take care
Fact: it does have accus. Not ok to use them in any
Normal operation Means situations when an installation is used within its design
All we know hazardous area classification is a must have. Question to
Primary Ex is about prevention.Secondary Ex is about protection.Tertiary Ex is about
Typical locations for hazardous substances Gases, liquids, and vapors • Petroleum refineries,
Paper is combustible and easily ignitable when finely divided; all that is
In the heat of recent days, it has become a hit again
Due to the current pandemic, FFP2 masks must be worn for certain
The manufacturing documentation in total shared with 3rd party certification bodies shall
Flying sparks and incorrect welding practices can cause premature failure of explosion
In case it turns out there is Ex hazardous area, it exists,
Absolutely inerted mixture is one which does not form a flammable atmosphere
concept to allow design, assessment and testing of electrical equipment that cannot
Many say that any Ex personnel competency training shall be contact one,
A paper manufacturing facility has many hazards that must be considered in
There is a hand operated valve. It does not fall under Ex
Wiki says following: “used to protect all sorts of buildings and civil
As you’re no doubt aware, bottles of hand sanitizer (Purell, Wet Ones,
So it is! Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/geri-varga-9098b140_atex-inspection-iecex-activity-6641450532433203200-jCbz Keep up good work! Arpad veress@exprofessional.com exprofessional.com
In many cases we find the request from commercial side to be
All we have to listen to all around. Questions sure we have
A photo we took last year, not any from early 80’s. Ex
Internet of Things – it is all about data we source out
Little bit out of scope. Title says its own. I just like
Increased use of electronic motor drives adds complications to the use of
Glossary • Approved Bodies – A conformity assessment body which has been
More and more I realize that there is a need for mediation
Concern over the lack of separation of training with the assessment process
The explosion-proof products, equipment installed elsewhere in the possible hazardous area Ex
The ignition properties of the hazardous explosive atmosphere shall be determined. Relevant
Primary explosion protection (this takes preference): • Measures that prevent an explosive
Many thanks to all following the posts at exprofessional.com. We do hope
Limoncello, the Italian liquor based on lemon essential oils, is becoming increasingly
Employers must provide workers who work in Ex zoned areas with appropriate
Imagine I am an international manufacturer of an Ex technology with HQ
All we concentrate on big accidents and for sure want to learn
Ex personnel competency – any Ex training/assessment and certification with 3rd party
The explosion-proof products, equipment installed elsewhere in the explosion protection zone, and
1. What does IP stand for.? 2. On a hazardous area map
There are many aspects to specifying a panel for a hazardous location
Hazardous area industries do require full compliance to explosion protection. In any
If an explosive atmosphere comes into contact with a heated surface ignition
All shall understand Explosion Protection is longterm partnership. There are may points
These products are an enclosed area, where an operator may work inside
Are we aware of procedures used to be followed at customer’s premises?
By accident, instead of gasoline refueled diesel, a car driver came up
Depression gas is produced in waste storage facilities. In Hungary, 13 sites
There is no established size of vessel below which explosion relief vents
I was in a public kindergarten to tell kids stories about industries
Throughout any inspection campaign non-compliant issues are going to be found. Here
Throughout any inspection campaign non-compliant issues are going to be found. Here
A person committing an offence under the Regulations will be liable to
Fact: it does have accus. Not ok to use them in any
To avoid explosions, follow the steps in the following methodology when using
In many cases Ex certificates are not available with the product (pre)information.
Where no certificate of conformity (or the origin of a certificate cannot
“1 Ordering anything from … for any other location of the world
One question: have you ever been part of the follow up of
“Normal operation” means the situation when installations are used within their design
From ladders to tools we can say they have no own source
is it required? is there any checklist for it? what is the
Top priority of the explosion protection is the primary explosion protection. The
At one project we have been asked to support from early stage.
Electrical resistance trace heating systems construction principle “Controlled design” according to EN
According to EN 60079-7 the temperature rise for machines with cage rotors
Title: sample Ex Compliance Engineering Transfer of information from client:– Existing HAC
a new trend has been introduced here: how we do Ex…! it
30 June 2003. Before that ATEX was not mandatory (differentiation might be
Cables used for fixed installations in hazardous areas shall be appropriate for
At one hazardous area site visit we asked for valid hazardous area
question: what is the best approach how to consider it – Ex
Simple earthing clamps with and without cord does not need to be
Article 13 Final provisions 1. Member States shall bring into force the
Part of standard atmospheric conditions is the temperature, which shall be between
Formal arrangements of an organization, enterprise or statuory authority of how work
World becoming international does not necessarily mean that a single user can
Ex documentations are many: – EPD – hazardous area classification – hazardous
The Declaration of Conformity is a legal Document which must accompany all
An EPD is an explosion protection document which contains the findings of
2017 I started the blog to highlight all possible issues refering industrial
Manual says: “Explosive atmospheres Charging or using Apple Watch in any area with