who is this person? what skills he/she might have?
Explosion protection is about compliance to design stage, it shall be well maintained, tracked and documented as well. All informations shall be available to all keyplayers.
easy to go?! sure not.
ATEX Directive stands on 2 columns: Ex safety of product and operation. (Note: out of Europe the approach shall be the same, even if not driven by directives). more info: link
Ex safety of products has been a topic of many articles and thesis. So shall be the same for Ex operation. Like in the case of the ATEX product Directive (2014/34/EU), behind the ATEX Directive of operation – 99/92/EC – there is a guideline, which helps all to better understanding.
it talks about Ex coordinator. BUT this Directive is driven by upper worksafety regulation – see Directive 89/391/EEC – so it is pretty much related to worksafety side of things as well.

in the guideline amoung many others a position of Ex coordinator has been defined, which is an important role and has interesting features:
– regards work in or in connection with hazardous places or work with flammable substances that may give rise to hazardous explosive atmospheres, hazardous interaction must be assumed even if it is not immediately apparent. In case of doubt, it is therefore suggested that the employer could appoint a coordinator.
– In view of his special planning, safety and organisational responsibilities, the employer or coordinator should satisfy the following requirements relevant to explosion protection:
• explosion protection expertise;
• knowledge of the national regulations transposing Directives 89/391/EEC and 1999/92/EC;
• knowledge of the firm’s organisational structure;
• leadership qualities to ensure that the necessary instructions are put into effect.
– The house staff, the contractor(s) and all others working on the site should provide the employer or his coordinator in good time with the following information:
• work to be undertaken;
• planned start of work;
• anticipated end of work;
• place of work;
• workers assigned;
• planned method of work plus measures and procedures for implementing the explosion protection document;
• name of the person(s) in charge.
– the duties of the employer or his coordinator comprise site inspections and coordination meetings, as well as planning, supervision and if necessary replanning of work in response to difficulties arising.
– In practice, the coordination measures relevant to explosion protection are usually part of the general coordination functions:
• at the planning stage;
• at the execution stage;
• on completion of the work.
At these various stages, the employer or his coordinator must also ensure that the necessary organisational measures are taken to avoid interaction between hazardous explosive atmospheres, ignition sources and operational malfunctions.
– citations from Guideline mentioned above –
the understanding and continuous support of management is essential, and shall be present and available from the 1st day of Ex issues related to site compliance. so it shall start with design, and follow up. Ex compliance shall be verified to the design stage. the design stage of product, site, and operation.
The BIG questionmark is with operation. we can spend tons of money on purchase and delivery of Ex assets, but how we operate, maintain and make it repaired will comply their status to the design stage for the total lifetime. Track and document shall be daily duty, unique ID of all assets in place is mandatory.
Keep up good work!
online meetings: https://calendly.com/exprofessional