possible Ex areas
Hazardous area industries are classified based on the presence of potentially explosive
Hazardous area industries are classified based on the presence of potentially explosive
skid-or-machine? assembly-or-machine? technology-or-machine?
Interesting questions, specially if you are about to run a multi-billion USD value technology, and it turns out to be a machine rather than a technology / installation / assembly.
#exprofessional #exownersengineering #exownersengineer #excompliance #excomplianceengineering #excomplianctodesignstage
selection of Ex cable glands varies in many ways
Normal operation refers to the standard, expected, and safe functioning of machinery,
EPD stands for explosion protection documentation. It shall be ready at the
Understanding the Risk – Some workplaces, like oil refineries or chemical plants,
The understanding and continuous support of management is essential, and shall be present and available from the 1st day of Ex issues related to site compliance.
So it shall start with design, and follow up.
Ex compliance shall be verified to the design stage. the design stage of product, site, and operation.
Ethylene’s Impact: – Ethylene (C2H4) is a naturally occurring gas that plays
Responsibility for training and competence The engineering profession is responsible for determining
ChatGPT and AI models like it could have several potential effects on
An industrial facility and a city itself there is not much difference.
Indeed H2 = Ex. As I see this fact surprises many in many ways. Current understanding of H2 by many simply says it is flammable. Not only, amoung others it is Ex as well.
Ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulations is paramount in hazardous area
By cultivating discipline and competency, individuals and organizations can create a culture of safety, minimize accidents and injuries, and ensure a secure working environment in hazardous settings.
check out Guidance on “EASA Fuel Tank Safety letter” it says (cut
Today’s challenge: H2 mixing into normal / daily gas piping network… 2-5-1o%?
EPD is about “It is a document that demonstrates the implementation of safety measures and procedures to protect workers in potentially explosive atmospheres during the operation of a facility. The EPD is based on the design of the facility and its equipment, but its primary focus is on ensuring the safe operation and maintenance of the facility.”
what is more important in terms of hazardous area compliance than a good Ex design?!
what makes a good Ex design? why is it important? how to keep it up? who can do it?
All has its sources of origin and informations. Product Ex certification: ISO
Primary – Secondary – Tertiary explosion protection So far we can say
H2 is a trendy topic today. Many countries and companies around do focus on it.
Ex compliance shall be covered, specially when it comes to delegation of responsibility.
a cut out from iec 60079 10 1 : 2020 “Once a
Ex compliance is about prevention and not any real protection against recent
Explosive atmospheres – Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure “t”
Situation is the following. You are requested to assemble and install: 1)
…on the other side a good example of iec 60079-26: Examples of
Source: LINK Each and every country has it regulated, but might be
So what about light blue – the recommended colour of Ex i?
Silly question! All shall be (if not otherwise). Most important what entity
This standard provides the specific requirements for the design, selection, erection and
Is your smartphone or a tablet containing a LED to support a
Link to: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMd517NVG/ Idea behind to share Ex related videos and make
Most of EPCs, owners, designers, etc are not aware of it. More
What is your word for hazardous area compliance – explosion protection with
We at exprofessional.com have gone online. Every week twice we do online
Many say that any Ex personnel competency training shall be contact one,
H2. Hydrogen is fuel of future. Do we know how to handle?
iec 60079 14 says: “Terminal boxes Where the ingress of moisture or
Rb javítóműhely létezése és annak megfelelése, megfeleltetése és visszaellenőrzése bevett gyakorlat volt
Join us for a webinar on Apr 21, 2020 at 8:00 AM
What are key points about Ingress Protection and Electrical & Instrumentation Equipment?
A robbanásbiztos berendezés robbanásbiztonság-technikai megfelelése annak teljes egészére vonatkozik, beleértve a tömszelencét
Who still believes IP67 is better than IP66? What is IP69 and
Rb TvMI előírja. Rengeteg kérdést vet fel: ki csinálhatja, tervezés vagy szaktevékenység,
How does Ex Safe Operation and Functional Safety interact? Are we aware
ExFórum online – Milyen gyakran frissíti adott terület zónabesorolási dokumentációját? c. webinar
Our webinar sessions we started on 17.03.2020 and we promised to continue
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We at exprofessional.com believe sharing knowledge is valuable and this period of