… all installations in possible hazardous environments shall be Ex-proof and the owner/user of Ex installation shall be able to prove it.
Ex inspections deliver this in 6/12/36 months period, but here we have to make a note: follow up of any activity on/off site related to Ex integrity may have have effect on it, which means Ex integrity shall be checked and verified and documented.
Verification Dossier alone or part of EPD (explosion protection documentation) may be a good basis (folder) of all related informations.

EPDS does it all!
EPDS – explosion protection documentation system – http://epds.hu/
EPDS+ – electronic portable documentation system – http://epdsplus.hu/
Various functional modules included:
– ex inspection
– legal frameworks: fire-, work- and environmental protection, & more
– lifetime tracking
– site work
– verification dossier
– asset’s identification
– SAP, … connectivity (interface)
– ex personnel competency
Altogether: full compliance to hazardous area and general industries

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