What are the basic but mandatory documentations for hazardous area Ex industries?

  1. Ex personnel competency certificate
  2. Hazardous area classification (zone concept)
  3. Ex certificate or retention of documentation
  4. Declaration of conformity
  5. Manual
  6. Label
  7. Verification Dossier
  8. Inspection sheets – before putting into operation detailed level of initial inspection
  9. Explosion protection documentation / final hazardous area classification
  10. Inspections on repeating intervalls
  11. Compliance check after any maintenance activity
  12. Compliance check after any service activity (Ex service facility?)
  13. Updated Ex personnel competency certifications (within max 5 yrs)
  14. Updated hazardous area classification (within max 3 yrs)
  15. Updated explosion protection documentation (within max 3 yrs)

Note: Intervall between any updates shall be not longer than 3-5 years.
How you share, maintain and update all these informations to all involved??? It is up to You, BUT You have to.

EPDS does it all!
EPDS – explosion protection documentation system – http://epds.hu/
EPDS+ – electronic portable documentation system – http://epdsplus.hu/
Various functional modules included:
– ex inspection
– legal frameworks: fire-, work- and environmental protection, & more
– lifetime tracking
– site work
– verification dossier
– asset’s identification
– SAP, … connectivity (interface)
– infosec proven compliance
– ex personnel competency
– infosec approved compliance
Altogether: full compliance to hazardous area and general industries

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