on a conference I had the opportunity to highlight various topics from our point of view of hazardous area industries: 1 did 1 presentation, 1 workshop and participated at a round table with following topics:
presentation: owner’s engineering (Ex) on daily basis What is the procedure, what milestones we shall follow in order to see customer’s interest fulfilled at final stage. The site is Ex compliant. Feedbacks have shown there is a great interest into subject generally.
workshop: how to avoid to become an Ex installation manufacturer? We discussed all issues how to take care via all Ex integrity activities like maintenance, repair and many more not to become the manufacturer of the one or more items we do operate on site. Risky subject because it happens anyway and easily. With great interest all agreed subject is with high importance.
round table: Interpretation of Conformity in Industry – When can we say whether or not an industrial project is suitable? For product compliance complete and final methodologies are given. Regarding project compliance even less or nothing. For operation compliance again there are. If we enter hazardous area project field subject getting high attention. This is a topic shall receive more time to discuss, and all participants agreed only project department takes care about milestones, owner’s engineer shall fill it up with content based on possible Hazop.
Keep up good work!
Citation from IEC 60079-14:2013 4.5:
“Competency can be demonstrated in accordance with a training and assessment framework relevant to national regulations or standards or user requirements.”
ExAM makes it happen – new trend in the world of Ex personnel competency methodologies.
More information: exam@exnb.eu