There are 4 main categories of ignition sources. These include: Thermal, Electrical, Mechanical and Chemical.
Some examples of Thermal ignition sources include:
- Blow torch
- Welding Flame
- Cigarette lighter
- Stove
- Piolet Light

Hot Surfaces
- Soldering Iron
- Electric Lamp
- Cigarette but
- Hot slag
- Glowing ember
Some examples of Electrical Ignition Sources
Electrical Current
- Electric motor
- Electric Switches
- Cable Break
- Spark produced under short circuit or other fault conditions
Electrostatic Charge
- Pneumatic Conveying of Solid
- Flow of liquid in pipeline
- Rubbing of plastic or rubber
- Liquid spray generator
- Powder flow
- Direct strike
- Induced Voltage
Stray current
- Arc Weld
Some examples of Mechanical Ignition sources
Friction heat
- Abrasive wheel
- Bearing
- Jamming of material
- Piston movement
Materials Fracture
- Cracking of metal
Some examples of Chemical ignition sources
Exothermic reactions
- Vigorous oxidising reactions
- Exothermic Polymerisation
- Exposing pyrophoric Substances (sodium metal) to air.
All shall be documented how to avoid.
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