In installation shafts and lower working spaces where flammable and explosive gases or vapours are likely to occur in dangerous quantities and where their design does not allow sufficient natural ventilation, artificial ventilation must be provided to ensure that a lower explosive concentration of the gas mixture does not occur.
Chassis and cavity protection materials containing solvents of reaction to fire classification may only be processed in workplaces which meet the requirements for explosion-proof rooms or open spaces.
Work equipment installed and used on the premises should not create an explosion hazard.
Where the use of explosive substances is unavoidable, the room and its equipment must comply with the requirements for explosive atmospheres.
No smoking in activities where smoking may cause fire or explosion (whether the activity takes place outdoors or indoors).
Where the gas tank of a gas vehicle fuelled with heavier-than-air gas has not been vented and the gas piping system has not been degassed, repairs to the gas supply system of the vehicle that do not affect the gas fuel supply system may only be carried out at a place, in which there are no drainage openings within a radius of 3 metres of the stub of the heavier-than-air gas tank drain valve, no floor drains without a water seal, or in which the workplace or adjacent service pit is equipped with an explosion hazard gas concentration indicator.
Only explosion-proof hand lamps should be used when repairing motor vehicles.

For repair work on a vehicle that does not involve open flame or sparking, it must be ensured that:
- a vehicle with a drained tank and fitting, free of liquid vapour, is brought into the workplace,
or - if the vehicle is not deaerated, gas alarms are installed in the workshop to provide visual and acoustic warning of the occurrence of an explosive atmosphere before the lower explosive concentration is reached,
or - the non-defuelled vehicle is placed in an explosion-proof room.
Available guidelines:—info-sheet.pdf;; and many more.
Risk assessment and hazardous area classification shall be first in place. Few told me a LED is a possible lighting solution here, sure but what about Ex. Pls read above.
Keep up good work!